We wanted to express our gratitude to those of you out there who keep continuing to review and rate our services on the various networks. It only takes a minute, but it really helps us stay in front of the community of folks getting married, and helps the new couples to find us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! again and again and again. I can't say it enough.
If you're a past client stumbling across this post, and you haven't reviewed us yet, won't you take a moment to do so? There are lots of places you can let your feelings be known: Yelp.com, Weddingwire.com, and Citysearch.com, to name just a few.
We'd also like to thank some of these sites for putting us at the forefront due to our large number of positive reviews. Momentville.com placed us on their 2011 Hot List, and for the second year in a row, Weddingwire.com placed us in the Bride's Choice Awards.
Now, back to working on weddings so we can keep making all of you so happy!