You would never walk into a store, grab a dress off the rack, pay for it and walk out, would you? No, you would try it on first! Especially if it was for an important occasion.
The same should apply for your wedding day! After witnessing a couple of "wardrobe malfunctions" this summer, bride and groom alike, I have to remind you all: Please try on your gown or tux before you take it home for the last time!
Yes, you may have had several fittings. But things can happen between the last fitting and the final pickup. You could have shed (or stacked) a few pounds. The seamstress could make a mistake. The tux supplier could have packed an incorrect vest size.
Open that bag BEFORE you leave the store, and try it on one last time. Or at least once you get it home. You do not want to open that bag on the day of the wedding to find out that something is missing or wrong. It's so much easier to make corrections or adjustments when you're not under the gun.
This is SO true! I wish more brides would do this.
Posted by: Liene at The Smart Planner | August 30, 2008 at 03:13 PM