Is accessibility on your site selection checklist? It's not always something that you as the bride and groom may be thinking about. Often, high on the site "gotta haves" are things like a gorgeous view, good chairs, and a good selection of caterers.
However, with so many people of varied ages and needs in most families, perhaps some thought should be given to the accessibility of your wedding event sites. And that's not just limited to the ceremony and reception -- think also of your rehearsal dinner, bridal luncheon, goodbye brunch, or any other events to which you might have guests attending with accessibility issues.
The most common issues are older folks -- think Grandma and Grandpa, your Auntie coming from abroad; anyone who might have trouble with a flight of stairs, a steep stone path, or uneven walkways. Think about any of your family or guests who have recently had surgery or medical treatment that might make walking or longer distances between sites a potential problem.
Putting a little bit of forethought into the accessibility of your chosen site can help a great deal in making sure all of your guests, including those with physical challenges, feel welcome and comfortable at your wedding.
Always a good idea. What might appear to be just a little thing regularly goes a long way to accommodate another and make them happy.
Posted by: Larry Green | July 22, 2008 at 08:40 AM